Now that the West Nile virus has been found in dead birds in San Mateo County and Santa Clara, officials are bracing themselves for the first human infections in the Northern California region. The death toll is up to five now in Southern California, with 116 people infected.

Various San Francisco city agencies have jointly launched an informational campaign to alert residents about the virus. (How gorgeous is that poster, by the way? The SF city graphic design team triumphs again!) To prevent mosquito bites, the City gives the usual wear long sleeves and apply repellent advice (you might want to be aware of some small health risks for DEET, the best repellent out there), but also notes that mosquitos can breed in up to a tablespoonful of standing water -- so clean out your dishwasher and plant pots! The City and San Mateo County will also be offering free mosquito-eating fish for your ponds and birdbaths. SFist is thinking about getting some and just keeping them as pets.

It's pretty rare to come down with West Nile, but if you develop a headache, high fever, stiff neck, confusion, or muscle weakness, please go see a doctor. Also, if you see any dead birds, report them to 1-877-WNV-BIRD.