SFist has loved the Muni F-Line since it opened - classic cars, a ride to or from work, great view of the Bay. We're really excited to hear the they're thinking of expanding south down the Embarcadero to the stadium and west from Fisherman's Wharf to Fort Mason. Unfortunately, like the cable cars, it's been run over with tourists. So many tourists that SFist has on occassion been passed by three cars before finally giving up and deciding to walk. What's worse, sometimes we've seen folks crammed cheek to jowl at the front of the car only to see the rear of the car nearly empty as it passes without stopping. Step to the back, people! European tourists, who enjoy great public transport in their homelands, don't even seem to grasp this simple concept.

Still, if you catch it in the right place - far down on Market or at the Ferry Building, for instance, you can usually get on, no problem. It's always a pleasure to listen to locals and tourists converse in Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, English, French, German and other languages. More than once SFist has had to opportunity to give directions or recommend something that out-of-towners wouldn't find in their guidebooks. We love our tourists here in San Francisco, since they bring money and jobs. We just hope they understand that we could be a little grumpy if they're taking up our seats on the way home from a long day at the office.