
The big news in San Francisco over the weekend was, of course, Barry hitting home run #700. Oh, and the Giants are still up by a half game in the pennant race, but nevermind that. Barry hitting #700 could only mean one thing - a fight over who got the ball. Possession being nine/tenths of the law, the ball in question is right now the personal property of 25-year-old Pacifica man, Steven Williams. Williams claims that he had just come back from the bathroom when Bonds hit the ball and got it by throwing himself into the scrum that broke out. Besides getting the ball, Williams also was the proud owner of a boo-boo that he says was received trying to fetch the ball. Others, however, are claiming that they too had the ball, including an eleven year old kid whose father claimed was "jumped" by about five guys as soon as he touched it (won't somebody think of the children!?). Williams is honoring the momentousness of the occasion by cashing in and selling it for the money.

Ed. Note: This story was filed before we learned of the tragic events in the stadium parking lot that Friday night, but was held up due to email errors - our humor here is in no way meant to belittle that crime.