In case there was any doubt, we're all a bunch of dorkus malorkusses over here, which is why we're so giddy about the upcoming WonderCon 2005 at the Moscone in February. (Hipsters too cool to care about anything that isn't ironic ought maybe to skip to the end of this blurb, which is a good bit and has Marvin in it.) It's like our very own NorCal Comic-Con! Now's the time to register to attend or, even awesomer, to volunteer. We were already bursting with excitement (perhaps literally) at the thought of Kevin Smith and Gail Simone and all the exhibits and programs and artists and, sweet mother of God, a freaking Masquerade Ball! Can you possibly even comprehend, people, the gut-busting levels of Nerd Insanity that will be attained...during a comic/sci-fi/fantasy a motherf*cking Okay, okay, we'll calm down. Just give us a moment.

...And then to top off this orgy of nerd excess, Joss will be there - oh, we're in tears as we write this - Joss will be there with cast from Serenity. We will of course be covering the event, if we don't suffer a Total Existence Failure brought on by joy.

And for those of you too suave to care about comics and sci-fi and video games, there's probably some sort of DJ event or taqueria opening going on someplace. Or you could just stay home with a movie.

Masquerade Ball?!?!?