Seems Dan Siegel, member of the lame-duck Oakland School Board and likely candidate for Jerry Brown's job, had "less than an ounce" of marijuana discovered in his checked luggage on his way out of town Tuesday. From the Chron:

"Yes, I use marijuana occasionally for stress,'' Siegel said Wednesday, a day after he was caught with the marijuana. "It's just a part of life."

While Mr. Siegel does not have a prescription for the weed from a doctor -- he's just a another reefer mad loser like the rest of us -- thanks to the relatively lenient penalties associated with such a small amount that is clearly for personal use, Mr. Siegel can settle the case by paying a simple fine.

Obviously the real penalty is in terms of the damage his drug use has done to his career as the notoriously forgetful former Oakland Housing Authority commissioner and constantly hungry partner in the law firm Siegel and Yee -- a career that shows very little drive or ambition, and was likely frequented by spells of paranoid insanity. SFist figures this could all be a political stunt to lock up the all-important pothead vote in Oakland which has managed to term Pat Brown's son out as mayor.

Image of Mr. Mackie from South Park Studios.