Friend of SFist Hank Thomas forwarded this story by photographer Wyatt Gallery to us recently. It's a despatch from Wyatt's recent trip to Sri Lanka with friend and fellow photographer Kareem Black (pictured taking a picture). Since it's the 31st day since the tragedy, we wanted to share it with you, because as Wyatt laments:
The US news really does the situation no justice and most areas that we visited were receiving little or no aid.  We did see CARE building temporary housing, the Canadian Navy set up a shuttle service to replace a damaged bridge, and tents were provided by someone we don’t know. The US military was here and there, and there were a good amount of people that just took it upon themselves to go there and help – on their own dime. They seemed to be making a huge difference.

Wyatt and Kareem will be working on getting all the film processed and scans made, and working on getting the stories of the people they met there down in a book. It's sure to be a powerful symbol of the memory of what happened that day, and the people who are left to rebuild and remember. Aside for some minor edits for readibility, the full text of Wyatt's email is below. We hope this encourages you to reflect and motivates you to help in some way.

All photos courtesy Wyatt Gallery.