Yes, that's our fair mayor washing the feet of a constituent at yesterday's Project Homeless Connect outreach event. Hundreds of volunteers and the homeless they aim to help were on hand to provide medical, counseling and housing services. The San Francisco Sentinel has more coverage up today on their homepage with great pictures from Luke Thomas. As tipster Kimo pointed out, "Whatever you think of Gavin – nice symbolism – I can’t imagine Brown in the same pose." Of course, what we're thinking is: "That hair is unstoppable!"

While critics argue that the program is a feel-good event for supporters and the it isn't helping the poor the way it could, civic leaders from around the country were on hand to take a look at the program. From the Sentinel:

Homeless participants and observers were uniform in belief effectiveness stems from centralized city services intake, and need for such a center to be permanently opened.

"That's what I'll be taking back with me -- having all services centralized," reported Bobby Shriver, Santa Monica city council member.

Photo by Luke Thomas.