SFist checked out the All Tomorrow's Jokes event last Friday and learned something valuable. Mainly that just because it says "tommorow" (sic) on the press release doesn’t necessarily mean it's supposed to have two m's. Typos happen. We also learned that doing comedy in the backroom of a bar known for cranking kick-ass music really loud might just be harder than doing it in a comedy club. Besides creating a constant background din, it can cause the audience to think things like "wow, that song kicks ass " or "hey, I love that Ramones tune" instead of thinking "hey, that was pretty darn funny." It can also cause sound problems, which we shall see.

As for the show, after recently seeing a bunch of older, more professional comedians, we were struck by the difference between that night and this one. Everyone on the bill came off as not quite ready-for-prime-time, like they were still working on figuring out their schtick. With a little fine tuning, some more polish, however, they all might be onto something. Each performer brought something to the table, as they say, but they're not quite there yet. Which, we guess, is why it was called "All Tomorrow's Jokes".

Image of Prank the Dean from the Prank the Dean Web site