So you get a bunch of free Stones tickets and a luxury box to see them opening night at Fenway handed over to you by some company out of the kindness of their hearts. So you then sell them for a cool hundred thousand to anyone who wants the pleasure of seeing the World's Greatest Rock Band in the company of our Governor. Great idea, right? What could go wrong?


First of all, the whole scheme of buying tickets and then selling them to someone else for a whole lot more money? We don't know what they call that in politics, but out in the street, it's called scalping. And so a bunch of people in California and Massachusetts are asking for investigations as to whether Arnie violated Massachusetts scalping laws. The state might actually investigate this just to spite Schwarzenegger because he also managed to piss off the Governor of Massachusetts by not dropping him a line to say "hey" while in the state.

Image from the BBC