It's probably an everyday thing for our pals at LAist -- you open an email and it's a request for folks to come staff a shoot. Well, we don't want to sound like starf**kers (that's a lie), but that's what happened to us today when we got an email from friend of SFist Jeremy Kasten, which said:

I am in production on my 3rd horror movie (hooray!) and things are going well. We have a great cast, a fantastic story, big production value, blah-blah-blah, what we don't have is enough money for people to be in it in the bigger scenes...On Tuesday (November 1, All Soul's Day, natch) I am shooting a goth club scene and will need as many friends as I can get to play goth club-goers. There is no pay but you will be (very) well fed, the day will be less than 12 hours and you should be out by midnight, plus its downtown LA... not sooo far away, right? Did I mention that the food is plentiful and really good?

...You should wear all black and come looking as "goth" (or a version thereof) as you can.

If you are down for this you should call Rob Fegen (the production coordinator) at the office at (310) 204-2850 ex 246...I will put my people in front of the camera for sure.

So, if you're gonna be down in LA tomorrow, and are up from some gothic posturing, call the number above to become a part of film -- or, at the very least, Sci-Fi channel history. Who knows, this might be your big moment -- just remember us here at SFist when you make the big time, OK?

All Souls Day.

Image from Jeremy's last film,