It's Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Yvesdropping
Kid: "...and then they give you eggnog, but you might not like it."
Smaller kid: "What's eggnog?"
Kid: "You don't know? It's Christmas milk, dummy."
-- On the N
Creepy Metreon In-Theater Food Cart Guy: "Happy holidays, ladies and gentlemen, and I'd like to say a few words tonight about the snacks available for purchase at my stand."
Woman: "Shhhhhhhhhhh!"
-- IMAX-Harry-Potter
Girl 1: "Everyone's upset in Oakland since they banned sideshows."
Girl 2: "They ... they banned slideshows?"
At that, Girl 1 just sighs heavily and looks away from Girl 2.
-- On the N
He continues to talk. Most audience members do, too, ignoring him, except for one woman who glares angrily at the people talking around her: