Those of you who read this site regularly probably think you have a good sense of what this particular correspondent is interested in -- traffic, Chris Daly, heartwarming tales about animals, general schadenfreunde. But we have a shameful confession to make. No, it's not that we secretly love/hate Gavin Newsom. No, it's not that we secretly love/hate Matt Gonzalez. We are the Susan Polk trial.

It's embarrassing! We never got into the OJ Simpson case, and we only followed the bare outline of the Scott Peterson trial. (Perhaps as a previous indication of things, though, we did obsessively follow the dog mauling trial. Who'd've thought out of everyone in that case, Kimberly Guilfoyle would be the one we hear the most about today? It's like how we never would have guessed that Posh Spice would have had the longest career.) But we're totally reading every single day the latest shenanigans in poor Judge Laurel Brady's courtroom over Susan Polk, defending herself against charges that she murdered her husband.

We've already thrilled to the constant requests for a mistrial, the fights about the sleeping juror, the expert who fled the courtroom, the son on Mom's side who's had the restraining order entered against him, the other two sons who think their mother did it, the increasingly-snippy remarks of the prosecutor. Today, Susan Polk is going to take the stand in her own defense. Should be some good afternoon procrastination material, right there!

totally following