(While we were visiting our friends at Isotope Comics, we also picked up Issue 5 of the awesome -- God, we can't get enough of swashbuckling youngsters.)
New this week: War-Fix, by David Axe and Steve Olexa. David's a war correspondent who's spent time in Iraq, and his comic is about, hey, a war correspondent who's spending time in Iraq. His friends and family don't want him to go; he's scared of dying; the other journalists confirm that he's crazy to be there. So why does he go? Why does he stay? It's something he can't explain. Reporting on someone else's war is like a drug for him, and for the other newsmakers; they see folks shot and buildings blown up and somehow they just can't look away. So they chase it from one hotspot to the next. War-Fix is a smart, scary war zone travelogue, but it also feels like something else -- a confession.