When he’s not attempting to get every single resident of the Mission to fight him, Joe makes art (maybe you’ve been lucky enough to see some of his stuff around the city) and has experiences that are so bizarrely San Francisco, that they make the rest of you question whether you’ve ever actually lived here, yet.

Best place to see art?
Di Rosa Preserve

What's your take on the art scene here?
That I prefer Art openings without live music or even a DJ …just some background music and wine…I like when people actually talk about art and give it the attention it deserves.

Something that most people don't really appreciate about your art
That it’s more than just COOL! That there is more there for people to wrap their mind around and that 12 years of work in installations tell quite a story when viewed all together.

Where can people see your art?
You can join my list on my website http://www.joemangrum.com come to see it live or check out what’s online….I also have a few different book projects in the works with The Natural World Museum, an art History book , and one that I’m publishing myself