We're very sad that the SF Int'l Film Festival is over -- but at least we live in a city where you don't have to wait for just once a year to see some amazing foreign films! We've got free passes to the Danish movie , about which the Bay Guardian has said, "If Adam's Apples isn't the best movie I see in 2007, whatever movie is will be really, really, really good." It's showing at the Lumiere (the one in Nob Hill).
Adam's Apples is about a willfully-naive small-town vicar who welcomes an angry neo-Nazi sentenced to perform community service to his congregation. Wackiness ensues! We don't really know exactly what's going on here, but when the movie's described as a "deadpan black comedy," and the cast of characters includes "apple tree," "fat sex addict," and "Arab gas station robber," it sounds like it's going to be a pretty good time. Look at that picture above! Obviously this movie is hilarious.
Adam's Apples