Inequality might be rising, but who’s to complain? There’s opera for everybody.
Actually, aside from tonight’s opening gala, there are affordable tickets for all performances (and if history is our guide, discounted tickets will be offered during Opera in the Park). The free Opera in the Park concert starts at 1:30pm in Sharon Meadows, in the Golden Gate Park. Plastic tarps ruin the grass, so bring a blanket instead, okay?
You can also catch Samson & Delilah for free at PacBell SBC the Giants stadium, on a giant high-def screen for a live videocast of the September 28th performance. You’ll need a ticket to get in, but the tickets for both field and stands seating are free! Garlic fries and opera, a match made in heaven. We hear that the singers will be wearing Giants uniforms and that Barry Bonds will sing in the chorus.
After the jump, our preview of the opera season. Picture from SF Opera web page