To volunteer: call the Oiled Wildlife Care Network at (800) 228-4544, or email Baykeeper at volunteer - at - baykeeper - dot - org. Send Baykeeper your photos of oil damage, too.

To report oiled wildlife: call the OWCN at (877) 823-6926. They help all kinds of animals -- even the non-cute ones! Don't try to catch or clean animals yourself. Sick, injured wildlife does not typically react well to untrained human contact.

Make donations to Baykeeper here.

There's also a (private) cleanup company, The O'Brien's Group, to whom you can report oil damage: 985-781-0804.

Propaline advises contacting the Governor to ask him to seize ownership of the boat. That won't immediately help any animals, of course, but it'll ... um ... get revenge? Or something? Apparently the state's having difficulty determining exactly who owns the vessel, so presumably the real owners will reveal themselves if Arnold tries to steal it. Okay, maybe that's worth a shot -- but what if the owners actually WANT to get rid of the boat, and let the state go ahead and seize it? What do we do with it once it's ours?