LIT: Launch party for Larry Smith and Rachel Fershleiser's newest release, which is, well, just as it sounds: six-word memoirs penned by famous and not-so-famous writers. Happens at the Rockit Room tonight.
*CLUB: You know who knows how to party? Service industry workers. From chefs to bartenders to waiters to barbacks, you will find a group no finer than these people for spending a night out on the town, for getting drunk with, or for "joining you in the stall." Tonight, El Rio hosts the third annual "Barworkers Ball," featuring free stuff, games, and something they call "semi-non-nude-dancing" honoring SIN workers of the Bay Area.
MUSIC: Dr. Know, Inhaste, Cobretti, and Dead Ringers rock the floorboards at Annie's Social Club tonight. Bring your earplugs, old-timers.
FILM: Kurt Cobain About a Son screens about the Red Vic. An intimate bio about the music at the peak of his career, "from his childhood and adolescence to his days of musical discovery and later dealings with explosive fame,"
The listed events were chosen by the editors of SFist and brought to you by the 2009 Toyota Corolla.