*COMEDY: That wacky/sexy comedy troupe, SPF7, puts on a show at The Dark Room tonight. According to Justin Lamb, "there will be a politically incorrect ad campaign for fruit, a massage, He-Man erotica [an aside: while cleaning out our old bedroom the other day, our mother came across and disposed of our cherished Man-E-Faces figure. Needless to say, we are crestfallen. -- ], food stealing from Satan, a sex offender with low self esteem, and you'll learn why voting for Obama is like drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon and watching The Fresh Prince of Bel Air reruns. Buy tickets here.

FILM: Zodiac was a great movie. Yes, it was. Yes huh. And that scene of the dual stabbing in broad daylight still kills us. We think about it at least once a day. Don't know what we're talking about? Well then, see for yourself when David Fincher's thriller about the infamous Bay Ara serial killer screens tonight at the Castro Theatre.

MUSIC: Thee Parkside is having an SF AIDS Foundation benefit, and you can help. How, you ask? By coming down to the rustic yet charming venue to get ragingly blotto while listening to indie/punks tunes from Pidgeon, the Mumlers, Schande, Make Me, Holy Kiss, and Top Critters. See you at tonight's "Scatterbrain Jamboree," folks!

The listed events were chosen by the editors of SFist and brought to you by the Click Here2009 Toyota Corolla.
