*MUSIC: Kelley Stoltz, Grand Archives, the Morning Benders, and le Weather Underground sing some songs for you over at the Independent. (Part of Noise Pop 2008.)
COMEDY: Get ready to hee yourself silly. Kenny Altman hosts Ron Vigh, Kelly McCarron, Maggie Newcomb, and Morgan Ryan Kasmier at "Gays and Dolls," a homosexually-charged night of stand-up hilarity. You can catch the queers killing it over at the Clubhouse. (BYOB, people. For reals.)
CLUB: New York-based DJ Satoshi Tomiie forces you to like house music all over again at Mighty. (Be sure to take a disco nap, kids. The party will go well into the wee hours of the morning.)
FILM: It's a Coen brothers blowout! The Depression Era adventure/ reimagining, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, and that movie they did a few years ago with Billy Bob Thornton that we never got around to seeing, The Man Who Wasn't There, screen over at the Castro Theatre. (7pm and 9:10, respectively.)
The Weather Underground's image credit goes to Indie for Bunnies.
The listed events were chosen by the editors of SFist and brought to you by the 2009 Toyota Corolla.