COMEDY: A popular comic among the homoseuxally-inclined male, Margaret Cho returns to her home town to wow, shock, and slap the knees of her adoring and rabid fans. In addition to bringing on the funny, she sometimes touches the heart, too. Aw. Liam Sullivan (AKA, Kelly, the guy who did that "Shoes" YouTube hit.) (Can't make it tonight? Don't fret: she performs through Sunday.)
8 p.m. // The Warfield [3187 Mission] // $35-$65
CLUB: Over at the Argus Lounge in the Mission, eclectic musician and noted C.S. Lewis fans, DJ That Hideous Strength, spins tonight from his assorted record collection filled with a sundry of rare tunes.
10 p.m. // Argus Lounge [3187 Mission] // free
OPERA: Giacomo Pucci's classic (i.e., Rent but from, like, totally a long time ago) makes audiences weep tonight over at the Fort Mason's Cowell Theater. Expect soaring arias, lots of crying, and [spoiler alert] a fantastic stabbing-death finale.
7:30 p.m. // Fort Mason, Cowell Theater [Herbst Pavilion, Marina & Buchanan] // $32
Photo: Austin Young
The listed events were chosen by the editors of SFist and brought to you by the 2009 Toyota Corolla.