COMEDY: No longer at Cafe Du Nord, Beth Lisick and Arline Klatte's Porchlight: a Storytelling Series calls the Mission district's Verdi Club home now. Tonight's show, "The Skin We're In: Tales of the Human Body," features Reny Ryan, a "professional asshole waxer," Jennifer Sey, Kelly Corrigan, and local HIV educator Ed Wolf.
8 p.m. // Verdi Club (2424 Mariposa) // $12
MUSIC: Read an interview the Heavenly States here, then see them at the Fillmore tonight. (Spoon go on after THS.)
7 p.m. // The Fillmore (1805 Geary) // $25
EMMY-WINNING CHAT: Fresh off of his Emmy win for Best Actor in a Comedy Series, Alec "You Thoughtless Little Pig" Baldwin talks about his struggles during the highly publicized custody battle and within the family-court system. Don't be late, or face the wrath of Baldwin. Hear him tonight as he reads from his latest book, . Find out all the details here.
6 p.m. // Fairmont Hotel (950 Mason) // $14-$55