Photographed and discovered by Val Dodge
- Torontoist scoured Toronto to find the city's finest punny business names.
- Gothamist was stunned when a plane with failed engines landed safely into the Hudson River. All passengers survived, thanks to the pilot, crew, and amazing rescue efforts from commuter ferries and authorities!
- Bostonist drank a cocktail named after Superman's Fortress of Solitude and got ready to swill some inaugural beer.
- DCist continued its full-court press on all things Inaugural; they were the first to report on the D.C. police having declared part of downtown Washington a "Prostitution Free Zone" during the Inauguration.
- Shanghaiist found out Obama's half-brother Mark Ndesandjo helped raise some money for Chinese orphans at a charity event in Shenzhen, China.
- LAist went through the stages of grief after finding out the closest thing to a real indie rock radio station couldn't make it without catering to corporate America and opted to yank themselves off the air and head to the internets.
- Phillyist really hates Arizona—this week. Next week, they may hate Baltimore or Pittsburgh (or they'll just keep hating Arizona).
- SFist found a map of local establishments that double as porn shoot locations.
- Chicagoist felt things heat up as Governor Blagojevich presided over the swearing in of the new state senate, which will serve as the jury in his impeachment trial, was re-impeached by a new state house with his sister-in-law casting the only "no" vote, and saw his controversial senate appointee, Roland Burris, become The Lord's Senator™.
- Londonist geeked out with an interactive map of V-2 rocket sites, charting the locations where Hitler's 'vengeance' rockets fell in the capital.