"You know, you can make Kombucha yourself, right?"

Yes. We know this. You don't have to tell us this every single time we spray a freshly opened bottle of Kombucha on our outfit at Whole Foods. We prefer buying it. We like packaging. We like stuff. We like buying packaged stuff. It makes us happy. However, for those of you who enjoy living a DIY lifestyle, the Urban Interstice Gallery will host a Kombucha Workshop on Saturday, 1/29.

As noted in Mission Local: "In this workshop we provide you with an alternative to commercially produced Kombucha by teaching how to brew your own, saving you lots of money and getting unique flavors. I will show how to safely brew a supply at home. Plus each participant will go home with their very own S.C.O.B.Y. baby, the ‘symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast’."

You will need to bring with you a large glass jar, a dish towel, green or black loose tea,a and sugar. The brewing happened at Urban Interstice Gallery, 34434 26th Street. Class cost: $15 to $25 sliding scale.

[Mission Local]