Our annual liquor store locator is fully updated for Bay to Breakers 2019, and we’ve also got some helpful tips for running in Sunday morning’s expected rainy downpour.
SFist has been dutifully providing your Bay to Breakers Liquor Store Map every year since 2008, when Matier & Ross threw shade at us for contributing to “out of control” boozing and revelry that year. But we have never had to train for this race in pouring down rain, which we did this week. Weather.com says there’s a 90% chance of rain Sunday, so runners should absolutely expect to get soaked. We learned some tips on how to prepare for running in the rain, but more importantly, we’ve updated our legendary smartphone-friendly Bay to Breakers Liquor Store Map to help you restock your dwindling supply of alcohol, cigarettes, and sundries when you’re deep in the throes of Golden Gate Park.
Bay to Breakers boozebags know how this works — the blue line on the above map is your Bay to Breakers race course. The little purple beer mug marks are the liquor stores, and there are no such corner stores on the race course past the midway point. You can click here for fullscreen, or visit bit.ly/B2BBooze to pull it up on your smartphone, which will display you as a blue dot to help you locate the nearest liquor store with GPS precision accuracy.

We have booze news to report: The Bi-Rite Market on Divisadero will once again be closed Sunday morning, as they want no part of the drunken shenanigans that Bay to Breakers brings. And that’s a shame, because Bi-Rite won Bay to Breakers in 2013 by replacing their fine artisan dairy section with Tecate tallboys so people could continue guzzling it up once the course turns to the Panhandle.
And pour one out for the two Outer Sunset liquor stores that closed since last year’s map. A-1 Liquor and Grocery at Irving and 42nd Avenue has shuttered, as has Judah Mini Market at 25th Avenue (seen above). There is a realtor listed at that location if you’d like to buy it and open another liquor store.

And as mentioned previously, it is almost certainly going to rain Sunday morning. You should try to rainproof your costume as best possible, and some manner of hat is highly recommended. An umbrella will be completely impractical, and will probably get destroyed, so don’t bother bringing one. Cotton apparel is going to suck, it will get cold and damp, try to go plastic or latex. Wool socks will be preferable to cotton, and try wear as waterproof a pair of shoes as possible. Maybe bring some vaseline, as you may encounter, ummm, chafing issues. And course the rain is going make operating your smartphone difficult as hell, so try to pack a little dry rag somewhere.
Please do drink actual water along with your booze, you’ll be out there for hours. Understand that Hayes Hill and the Divisadero-Panhandle area is where police most aggressively bust people for open containers, so keep your alcohol discreet there. And do use the porta-potties, they are now amply supplied along the race course. Because even though Stanley Roberts won’t be there this year, they still might broadcast you peeing in the park on KRON 4 news.