A mudslide Monday morning prompted a warning to avoid an area near the Clark Kerr Campus at UC Berkeley, and an evacuation warning was issued for residents near a second mudslide near Tilden Park.
UC Berkeley police issued an alert early Monday about a mudslide that was blocking Sports Lane on the Clark Kerr Campus, telling people to avoid the area.

The history Clark Kerr Campus at UC Berkeley, which is primarily comprised of first-year dorms and athletic facilities, figured in the news last week because of some "skeletonized" human remains discovered there in a long shuttered building.
Another mudslide in Berkeley in the area of The Spiral between Wildcat Canyon and Middlefield Road in the Berkeley Hills, between Lake Anza and Zaytuna College, is prompting an evacuation warning for nearby residents.
It's unclear if an overflowing Lake Anza and its adjacent spillway are connected to the mudslide.
As Berkeleyside reports via an 8 a.m. Nixle alert from the Berkeley Police Department, police say this mudslide poses an "extraordinary threat to life and property."
"If you live in this area, please be prepared to evacuate quickly and out of the area entirely," Berkeley police say. According to this Twitter account monitoring police scanner activity this morning, "some [residents] have already evacuated."
The Spiral is closed along with Middlefield Road north of the Crossways, and Wildcat Canyon Road between Sunset and Park Hills Road.