It's strange days, indeed! President Joe Biden is in San Francisco today, attending fundraisers for his re-election campaign and convening a forum with tech people to talk about the future of artificial intelligence. And meanwhile, someone has set up a video AI on Twitch that is using ChatGPT to respond to questions in the voices of Trump and Biden on a debate stage, while also vaguely debating each other.
President Biden is continuing his Bay Area tour today with some stops in San Francisco — beware of motorcade-related traffic delays everybody!
These stops include a forum that he's convening with some named and unnamed tech leaders — though we can probably guess who a few of them are — to discuss issues and dangers around AI, and how his administration can push for regulation. This continues a discussion Biden hosted in May at the White House, which included Open AI CEO Sam Altman, and Google's Sundar Pichai.
As KPIX reports, today's meeting will cover a set of actions being developed by White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients for the federal government to take around regulating AI. Reportedly, in addition to the work of federal agencies on AI, "Top officials are meeting two to three times each week on this issue."
Named attendees at the Fairmont Hotel meeting today include Tristan Harris, executive director of the Center for Human Technology; Jim Steyer, the CEO of Common Sense Media; and Joy Buolamwin, founder of the Algorithmic Justice League.
Kevin Scott, CTO and executive vice president for AI at Microsoft, is most likely there as well — as KPIX notes, Scott hosted a fundraiser for Biden on Monday.

Meanwhile, in the parallel universe of the internet, an AI bot version of Biden is debating an AI version of Trump, both of them amusingly potty-mouthed, non-stop on Twitch for the next two days. You can tune in to that here and hear Biden call Trump an "orange-faced, little-fingered, tiny-dicked fucking moron" and the like, and hear Trump defend his "bigly hands" and "enormous package that puts all other world leaders to shame."
Maybe an aide will show Biden this in real time at his meeting about AI, and that would be fun.
On Monday, at an appearance in Mountain View, Biden announced $600 million in funding to address climate change, with $67 million of that expected to be allocated towards California's electric grid.
Previously: President Biden Arriving In Bay Area Today For Multi-Day Visit