An upstairs spot above two unassuming Mission-Bernal restaurants has reportedly been a hotbed of unpermitted late-night after-hours parties complete with gambling machines for the last two months, and City Attorney David Chiu is investigating.
At 3259 Mission Street (near 29th Street), you will find a greasy-spoon but affordable and delicious Chinese restaurant called Jasmine Tea House. Next door at 3261-A Mission, there’s a Yucatán-style Mexican restaurant called Aurora, with hand-painted menus and prices that even undercut the taquerias.
And above these two, there is what looks like a standard upstairs-apartment residential unit. But according to City Attorney David Chiu, that upstairs unit was operating as “an illegal after-hours club,” that based on a November 30 visit, “had a bar (with what appeared to be alcohol), a DJ blasting music, disco lights, and what appeared to be two gambling machines.”
This is all part of Chiu’s office investigating the property for operating an illegal, after-hours club, as Mission Local reported Tuesday. There is no evidence that Jasmine Tea House or Aurora have any affiliation whatsoever with the alleged after-hours club. Chiu’s warning letter is issued to the property’s landlord, Shirley Conway.

But Chiu’s office produced a series of now-deleted Instagram posts like the one seen above, pretty blatantly advertising “New Location After Hours” at 3261-A Mission Street, on dates between November 28 and December 31, 2024. Numerous DJs were listed on each post.
The Instagram account that posts these parties is still active, has 15,000 followers, and often promotes after-hours parties at 56 Isis Street. That address appears to be a warehouse, not a nightclub.
Though meanwhile at the Mission-Bernal location, the City Attorney’s office says that officials have observed numerous violations. “On December 28, 2024, around 11 p.m., Entertainment Commission inspectors spoke with a bartender named Cynthia and observed what appeared to be two gambling machines,” Chiu’s office wrote to the landlord. “They also saw that alcoholic beverages were being served.”
There is no permit for alcohol service or live entertainment at the address. Gambling machines are not permitted or legal anywhere in San Francisco.
It’s not clear whether the landlord Shirley Conway herself is even aware of these alleged activities. Chiu’s letter demands she investigate and respond to his office by January 9, which is tomorrow.
Image: Google Street View