Trump naturally doesn't like anyone to point out the margin by which he won the 2024 election — 1.5% of the popular vote, or around 2.3 million votes, but really only a few hundred thousand votes in a couple of swing states would have changed the outcome. So, now he's trying to seed the rumor that California "just stopped" counting votes, in order to make it look like Kamala Harris won by more votes than she did in her home state?

The ego of the man who sits in the Oval Office today is dangerously tender and notoriously fragile. And so, when a Fox News anchor said during an interview with Trump on Monday that Kamala Harris received 75 million votes in the election, he couldn't help but question this fact, as CNN reports.

"Well, if you believe the whole thing … the whole thing is ridiculous," Trump said.

He was still seething at 6 am Tuesday morning when he went on Truth Social to say, "California just stopped counting their votes on the 2024 Presidential Election." He then ranted in all caps about California not checking voters' IDs — which is partly true, and the state does not require voters to show a photo ID at the polls.

California took longer than some states to certify its final counts, but this was done on time, on December 13, by Secretary of State Shirley Weber. And, sort of sadly, voter turnout in the state was worse than in 2020, when a historic 80.7% of registered voters turned out. In 2024, it was just 71.4%, lower than in the five previous presidential elections going back two decades.

What seems to bother Trump is the fact that Harris beat him by 3 million votes in California, or 20 percentage points, which makes perfect sense if you know anything about the California electorate. But Trump is still re-litigating the 2020 election, so why wouldn't he take issue with the 2024 election, even if he legitimately won this time?

Trump also trailed Harris by 13 percentage points and around 1 million votes in his home state of New York.

And let's just remind everyone that if 230,000 voters total in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan had voted the other way, we wouldn't all be living through this upside-down, shit sandwich of a presidency that could end up ripping the Constitution to shreds in the name of a radical right-wing agenda.

But hey, we may as well comfort ourselves in the idea that a tiny-margin victory by Harris would have been fodder for Trump and his lunatic army to question the legitimacy of the election again, and maybe succeed in toppling the government over it this time.

Senate Republicans should know that they will have blood on their hands once some of Trump's cabinet picks begin doing their dirty work — especially with today's confirmation of conspiracy-obsessed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Fuck around and find out, people.