San Franciscans came out to protest the actions of both President Donald Trump and Elon Musk at a protest event Monday dubbed 'No Kings on Presidents Day.'

Similar events happened outside civic buildings across the country Monday, as the group the 50501 Movement organized protests to give voice to many Americans' frustrations with the current administration — which has been acting as if Trump does not have to answer to courts or Congress to take any action he pleases.

Organizers said they were organizing rallies and marches to protest the "anti-democratic and illegal actions of the Trump administration and its plutocratic allies.”

As the Associated Press reports, an affiliated march in Boston included nearly 1,000 people, and featured some dressed in Revolutionary War garb.

The group in front of San Francisco City Hall was at least a few hundred strong, with some carrying signs like "Name One Thing Trump Has Done Lately That Isn't Illegal or Immoral," and "Are You In My Nightmare Too?"

Also, someone had a "Deport Elon" sign.

Separately, a protest was occurring outside a Tesla dealership on Van Ness Avenue. There, as KRON4 reports, protesters carried signs saying "Don't Buy Nazi Cars," "Our Democracy is Not a Startup," and "No One Voted for Elon Musk."

Scenes from the Civic Center rally below.

Photo by Bernie Pesko
Photo by Bernie Pesko
Photo by Bernie Pesko
Photo by Bernie Pesko