We're not looking to lionize SF's bigoted, Republican, anti-vax, homophobe of a Catholic archbishop. But he just went minorly viral by responding to a tweet about Elon Musk.

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, he of the exorcisms for torn-down statues and support for outlawing same-sex marriage, just responded to a disingenuous quote from Elon Musk about the son he keeps trotting out for photo ops.

The quote was not actually posted by Elon himself, but by the Xitter account Tesla Owners Silicon Valley — which apparently is a group that is not embarrassed to own Teslas right now.

"Of anything in my life, I would say kids by far make me the happiest.  -Elon Musk," says the tweet caption, which is posted along with a video in which Musk, with his son in his lap, is answering questions at some kind of press event. A foreign reporter seems to have asked where the mother of his son is, and he replies, "In San Francisco. We're separated by I take care of him mostly."

Cordileone reposted the video and replied, "This is lovely. But marry first and love your babies' mom too."

He should have said "moms" plural, but I digress.

Cordileone's post elicited a number of responses from Catholics, of the sort who would follow a conservative archbishop on social media, saying that they're praying Musk will come to Jesus and convert.

It's unclear where or when this video was taken, and it may not be recent.

If the boy in the video is X, the same son he had in the Oval Office with him in front of reporters last week, the boy's mother is Grimes, and she doesn't live in SF as far as we know. Musk also has fathered twins with Shivon Zillis, a director at SF-based Neuralink.

And over the weekend, conservative influencer Ashley St. Clair has come out declaring that she has given birth to Musk's 13th child, which Musk himself has not confirmed.

Musk's estranged daughter Vivian Jenna Wilson, who has been the subject of much of Musk's own anxiety and conservative thinking around trans issues, responded via TikTok and with a post on Threads, saying, "If I had a nickel for every time that I found out I had a new half-sibling online, I'd have a few nickels—which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened six separate times."

Wilson went on, on Sunday, to post a video in which she explained how she learned about the birth of her half-brother in 2022 via a Rupaul's Drag Race contestant's tweet about Grimes giving birth. The other four instances she's referring to may refer to Grimes's other kids and the twins Musk fathered with Zillis. But in the TikTok video she only refers to this online discovery of a sibling happening "two times."

Previously: Elon Musk's Trans Daughter Continues Attacks, Calling Musk a 'Desperate,' 'Lying,' 'Serial Adulterer'