A mother and daughter were arrested by Pittsburg police on Thursday following an incident captured on video in which one of them kicked a neighbor's small dog into a bush during an argument.

As KTVU reports, the two women, identified as Lagashia Williams and Graciela Amar, had been in some sort of minor dispute with neighbor Albert Lopes.

Lopes says he was out washing his car when Williams accused him of yelling at her mother. Per NBC Bay Area, the incident began when Lopes approached his 68-year-old neighbor, Susie Ashley, and raised his voice because she had run over one of his plants with her car. He tells KTVU that he had raised his voice so that Ashley could hear him, but that he was not yelling.

Williams and her daughter, who is Ashley's granddaughter, then came over to his property to confront him about the incident, telling him not to yell at the older woman.

A heated discussion can be heard in the surveillance video below, which was posted to social media and subsequently went viral. Lopes can be seen walking away from the two women carrying one small dog, and the woman identified as Williams can be seen instructing the other woman to kick a smaller dog who was still on the ground, named Gigi.

The other woman, identified as Amar, can then be seen kicking Gigi into a bush, and Lopes then retrieves the dog as she loudly squeals in pain.

Lopes adds, speaking to KTVU, "And the dog-kicker herself mimicked and mocked that sound [yelping]," he said. "If you zoom in on that video, you look at their expression, they act like they won the lottery."

As a description on a GoFundMe for the dog's veterinary care explains, she suffered liver and leg injuries. The fundraiser has already raised over $20,000.

Pittsburg police subsequently sought the public's help, via a Facebook post, in identifying the two women, and they were arrested in Oakland on Thursday. They are facing multiple felony charges.

Susie Ashley, the neighbor, tells NBC Bay Area that the public should understand that Lopes was the initial aggressor who yelled at her, and that her granddaughter kicking the dog, while wrong, was "a reflex" because she was upset.