Modeled on Jimmy Kimmel's "Mean Tweets" segments, SF Mayor Daniel Lurie has posted a video to social media in which he's reading nice emails the city has received about Muni drivers.

The number of "nice" emails that are sent to the city about the Muni system itself is likely very small, if not actually zero. But people apprently do write in when they see Muni drivers doing nice things and good deeds for the elderly and such, and that is Mayor Lurie's focus in this fairly awkward video.

Adding to the oddity is the fact that he can't give shoutouts to any Muni operators by name, and they're only identified by their operator ID number.

"This operator, ID 5132, was so kind," begins one of the emails. "I witnessed him helping an elderly woman go up the Muni steps with her heavy bags. The elderly woman even praised him for being the nicest Muni driver she had ever seen."

That first one could be a little backhanded where Muni drivers are concerned — because, for sure, they're not all that nice!

Lurie goes on to read a few more... I guess this is his team's idea of good PR?

Related: Mayor Daniel Lurie Promises 'New Era of Accountability' In New Homelessness Plan