SF news Supervisor Fielder Eyes a City-Backed Pharmacy Co-Op Network As Walgreens shutters more locations this month, the city is exploring the idea of a pharmacy co-op model to prevent “pharmacy deserts" in low-income areas, via bulk purchasing and independent pharmacy partnerships.
SF news Developer Abandons Housing Plans, Puts Portola’s Historic Greenhouse Site Up for Sale San Francisco’s historic 770 Woolsey St. is back on the market after a failed housing plan, frustrating community efforts to turn it into an urban farm. Its future remains uncertain.
SF news Day Around the Bay: Libby Schaaf Fined Thousands for Ethics Violations Former Oakland Libby Schaaf is being fined for campaign ethics violations; two suspects have been arrested in connection to last month's assault at Dublin High School; and Prop 22 is now in bureaucratic limbo.
SF news Day Around the Bay: Lil’ Harbor Seal Pup Rescued From Trash Entanglement at Fort Mason Friday will be 2023's second Spare the Air Day; a harbor seal pup needed rescue from a fishing line entanglement at Fort Mason’s Gashouse Cove Marina; a new documentary posits that there was no Zodiac Killer.
SF news Saturday Links: Spare the Air Alert in Effect for Most of Bay Area Today A 12-year-old girl was shot in Pittsburg during a fit of road rage, UC Berkeley will require face masks for students who opted out of flu shots, and the Bay Area Air District has issued a Spare the Air Alert for smog Saturday.
SF news Muni Stopped Citing People for Fare Evasion During the Pandemic. So What Were We Paying Those Fare Inspectors To Do? Muni basically stopped enforcing fare violations during the pandemic, issuing merely 325 citations during a two-year period. Yet they still employed 43 fare inspectors full-time, which seems perhaps a waste of money?
SF news Saturday Links: SF Couple Fined Over $1.5K for Parking in Their Own Driveway SoMa's newest pizza joint is also serving up great Tiki drinks, Oakland will again open cooling and clean air sites this summer, and a San Francisco couple that's been parking in their driveway for almost four decades was recently fined over $1.5K by the City for doing so.
SF news Saturday Links: Oakland Teachers Will Soon Be Eligible To Receive COVID-19 Vaccines The Orinda Union School District could return to in-person learning as soon as next week, former SF 49ers defensive tackle Charlie Krueger died Friday at 84 years old, and Oakland teachers will be able to receive COVID-19 vaccines starting on Monday.
SF news Humpday Headlines: Tahoe Resorts Brace for Skiing Crowds Carmen Chu is San Francisco's new City Administrator, wind blew a big rig into a jackknife on the Bay Bridge, and restaurant workers will be prioritized for vaccines under the state's new plans.
SF news Photos: Rare August Thunderstorms Light Up Bay Area Skies As if this weekend's unusual — exceedingly, hellaciously — hot summer temperatures weren’t enough, Bay Area locals were treated to a rare lightning show last night and early this morning as wild thunderstorms roared through much of the region.
SF news Newsom Pulls National Guard Troops From Border, Puts Them To Work In Fire Prevention Instead Governor Gavin Newsom announced Wednesday that in defiance of the Trump administration, he's pulling a bunch of California National Guard troops from the southern border and putting them to work for CalFire doing forest thinning and fire prevention work.
SF news San Francisco Reaches Deal to Stop Evictions at Mid-Market Street Building A tentative settlement agreement has been reached between the owners of a building at 1049 Market Street and the city in a dispute that has been in the news for over five years,
SF News Tuesday Morning Roundup: Cat Daddy Go to English class with some SF Giants. [Associated Press] LinkedIn buys Newsle, said to enable "users to glean real-time information about their professional contacts," which doesn't sound stalkery AT ALL. [SF Business
SF News Day Around The Bay: Gavin Newsom Owns Two Teslas When Haight Street has a streetcar. [Hoodline] What a mess: Financial woes triggered the sudden closure of a nonprofit elder care facility in May, and it looks like we might learn what went
SF News Day Around The Bay: Muni Stop Hammer Attack So much for the Chron's stand-alone food section. [Eater SF] One of the people arrested in the raid on MyRedbook.com on Wednesday missed his court appearance today, so the feds had to